Cannot log in to itslearning

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If a student enters an incorrect password a number of times, the account will be blocked for a certain period of time (usually 30 minutes). You can then try to log in again. 

If you have forgotten your password, follow these steps to get a new password. 

Contact your school's itslearning administrator. They can help you obtain your login details. 

Note: For questions related to login, we will always refer you to the school's itslearning administrator. They are responsible for the itslearning environment and are the ones who manage the accounts and provide new passwords at your institution. 

Alternatively, your school might allow you to request a new password using the following steps: 

  • Go to the login page of your school's itslearning environment and click on the link "forgot password". 
  • You can select your school and enter your valid email address (use the same email address that was associated to your itslearning account, this is why it is important to always use a valid email address). 
  • When you click on send you will automatically receive a new password by email. Check your spam folder, too.