itslearning Product Updates

itslearning-2024.11.4 released product updates

Written by itslearning | Nov 27, 2024

Export Learning Objectives Assessment Report

It is now possible to export the Learning Objectives Assessment Report, for example for further analysis. The export can be found under the "…" button when the report is opened.

The export is a zip-file that contains:

  • An Excel (xlsx) file per student in the course
  • Within this file:
    • The rows show all learning objectives in the course (other level are excluded)
    • If mastery is used, a column for mastery is shown
    • The columns contain the number of assessments (Assessment 1, Assessment 2, etc.)
    • On the cross sections the assessment for a learning objective will be shown, with 0 being shown for the lowest possible outcome, 1 being shown for the next, etc. The colour of the assessment status is included in the export for easy recognition.

Learning Objectives Report: show average instead of latest assessment

To support different views on learning objective assessments, administrators can now choose to show the average assessment instead of the latest assessment in the Learning Objectives Assessment Report.

This can be done under “Manage settings for learning-objectives reports” with the setting “Show average status instead of status of the latest assessment”.