itslearning Product Updates

itslearning-2024.9.2 released product updates

Written by itslearning | Sep 6, 2024

Courses page: Search for courses

When global search was moved the main menu, the course search on the Courses page was removed. It is now brought back to support the workflows of teachers with a large number of courses.

Improvement to new course menu - 360° reports

With introduction of the new course menu we also moved the 360° report item into the reports page along with other types of reports like assessment record, attendance, learning objective reports etc. In cases where the reports (previously status and follow-up) was disabled, the 360° reports disappeared. That’s now been changed, so if any of the 360° reports are enabled, you cannot disable reports in the course.

Planner and default sorting

The default sorting in table view and within a topic will be date (ascending) for deadline-driven courses. If there are no dates added to a plan, plans will be sorted according to their creation date.

Pinning a plan

Teachers can pin a plan to course overview. We are adding a pinned mark on the plan card, so users understand why it appears on top of course overview page.

View learning objectives added to topics in table view

Teachers can add l.o. to their topics. This information will now also be available in table view, when opening the topic tab 

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.9.2

Our referenceSummary

Fixed an issue where users could get a “this app requires a license” error when accessing an LTI 1.3 application, depending on where the application is shared.


Dependent on certain settings, teachers were not able to see some calendar event, that they should be able to see.