
Product Overview | AI in Survey Tool

Written by itslearning | May 27, 2024

Generative AI Meets Our Survey Tool

Save time and effort as we introduce Generative AI to our Survey Tool. With this integration, you can now create surveys with ease—whether you choose to use the capabilities of Generative AI or proceed manually.

Watch the full demo:


Crafting Surveys, Safe Integration, and GDPR Compliance

As educators, we understand the importance of creating content within a pedagogical framework. Our integration ensures a seamless blend of technology and teaching, all while navigating the complexities of legal compliance. Rest assured, your surveys will not only engage but also embrace strict GDPR guidelines.


Effortless Efficiency: Streamline Your Surveys with Generative AI Integration

Our goal is simple: to save you time. By connecting with Generative AI, you can speed up the survey creation process without compromising on quality. It’s about working smarter, not harder.


Anticipate the Exceptional: What’s in for You?

  • Available as a separate tab when you create a new Survey
  • Input topic and number of questions, and set survey type
  • Generates introduction + selected number of questions
  • All questions will have answers on the Agreement Scale
  • All content should be reviewed before publishing it (making the survey visible)


Empowering Education: Access for itslearning Customers

The Survey Tool, enhanced with AI, is available to all itslearning customers. Activation is easy, requiring just a simple step by the school admin - take a look further down for instruction. The school will be able to decide if they want to have the AI feature active or not, and when to do it. 

Get ready to transform the way you gather feedback and insights! 


Tips for safe use! Security and Data Protection

  • Do not input any personal information or copyrighted material in the topic field
  • Any data sent is stored for 30 days and not used for training the model
  • No user information is shared with the provider
  • After a survey is generated, no more information is ever sent to the provider


Enabling AI in the Survey Tool: A School Choice

The use of Generative AI in the Survey is an option that each school can choose to use whenever they wish, and only the system administrator has the exclusive right to make this change.

To activate it you have to: go to Admin > Edit global setting > Features and security, and click on Enable AI Service to create content, like in the image below.

Learn more about how to enable AI in itslearning in our support article.


To discover more about Data Protection in our Survey Tool, click here.

Last update: 14 June 2024


To learn more about AI in Education, check out our AI Principles page. And take a look at our Support Article as well. 

Check the upcoming product improvements, visit our roadmap!