
Best Practices for Blended and Remote Learning Using itslearning: Collège du Léman

Written by itslearning | May 15, 2020

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, more schools are now implementing blended and remote learning. Having the right digital tools and a good understanding of these approaches is essential to succeed in a continuously changing environment in education.

Jacob Rosch, Head of Educational Technology, Aimée Skidmore, English Teacher, and Tom Moores, Sports Science Teacher, share their experiences with the blended and remote learning approaches at Collège du Léman – International School. Join us to hear about the lessons learned, best practices, and some tips for a successful blended and remote learning plan using itslearning.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Tips and best practices from teachers in one of the most prestigious international schools in Europe.
  • The best tools in itslearning that support blended and remote learning in international and K-12 schools.