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itslearning May 11, 2020< 1 min read

Submission task in itslearning

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Submission task in itslearning

Submission task – a tool with many possibilities

In the Assignment tool there are many functions that you and your students can benefit from. With options such as Peer Response, Self-Assessment and Group Activity you encourage collaboration and participation.

There are good opportunities to adapt instructions, working methods, submission format and feedback so that it suits each student. In this webinar, we provide an overall picture of the functions offered in a Submission task.

itslearningMay 11, 2020< 1 min read

Assignments in itslearning

itslearning Assignments inThe Assignment a tool has many uses, for example instructions, homework and assessment of analog ...
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itslearningSep 15, 2022< 1 min read

Webinar about the core tool submission task

Free webinar for teachers, ICT educators and school leaders.See the recorded version of the Thursday Quarter on how to work on ...
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itslearningNov 27, 20244 min read

Webinar | Data Security and Privacy 101 in Norwegian

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