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An all-inclusive hub designed for educators, providing teachers with vital resources including the latest product updates, engaging ebooks, interactive webinars, and helpful decision guides.
Sep 27, 2021< 1 min read

Implementation of the curriculum

Implementation of the curriculum in the itslearning learning environment In this webinar… ...
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Sep 27, 2021< 1 min read

Get the most from Analytics

Get the most from analytics - webinar recording As part of the solution we deliver, ...
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Sep 20, 2021< 1 min read

itsConvention: Implementing itslearning as a learning hub at University College Copenhagen (KP)

itsConvention is a global online event with education leaders and the itslearning ...
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Sep 17, 2021< 1 min read

itsConvention: Online learning paths in itslearning at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

itsConvention is a global online event with education leaders and the itslearning ...
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Mar 8, 2021< 1 min read

How to successfully adopt blended learning for Adult Education – Tameside Metropolitan Borough

itslearning participated at the North Yorkshire Learning Providers (NYLP) conference in ...
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Feb 2, 2021< 1 min read

itslearning as the backbone of SOSU Nord's digital campus

itslearning as the backbone of SOSU Nord's digital campus Learning and digitisation ...
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Jan 27, 2021< 1 min read

GDPR and data privacy in remote learning – Key tips for educational institutions

What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how does it affect educational ...
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Nov 17, 2020< 1 min read

Implementation of itslearning at EUC Nord - from idea to operation

Implementation of itslearning at EUC Nord - from idea to operation Ulla Bak Jensen, ...
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Jun 9, 2020< 1 min read

Page and Note in itslearning

Page and Note in itslearning In the Thursday quarter, the turn has come to the resources ...
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