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itslearning Feb 19, 2020< 1 min read

SPARK Schools

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SPARK Schools is a network of independent and private schools offering affordable, globally competitive education in South Africa. The group was founded in 2012, and their schools use a blended learning model with a focus on individualised learning.

SPARK migrated from Google Classroom, implementing the itslearning LMS for their 21 schools in 2019. Among their main reasons of their decision, SPARK found in itslearning a scalable and cost-effective solution that fits perfectly in their educational model and their expansion objectives.

“itslearning enable us to differentiate our instruction even more by using learning analytics, to improve curriculum and content management – as well as to make more informed decisions. We believe itslearning can help us achieve a more competitive education level with global standards.”​

Stacey Brewer, Chief Executive Officer
SPARK Schools, South Africa​​


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Founded in 2012

21 schools in network
Over 10,000 students
With itslearning since 2019

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