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Bahçeşehir University
itslearning Apr 7, 20202 min read

Bahçeşehir University Uses itslearning to Support Remote Learning

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The current coronavirus outbreak in Turkey and around the world has pushed the boundaries of universities to implement distance learning strategies and systems that support continuing education. Today, the Distance Education Unit of Bahçeşehir University is in the spotlight of the education sector in Turkey for their implementation of the itslearning LMS and other solutions suited for remote learning.

In March, Bahçeşehir University (BAU) announced that the institution will continue their programs at a distance using the itslearning platform, among other solutions, which make it possible to deliver their programs remotely. The Distance Education Unit BAU, supports online education for more than 16,000 students a day and more than 2,500 lectures every week.

Prof. Dr. Ergün Akgün, Director of the Distance Education Unit said “we have been using these systems for many years in our face-to-face lessons as well as learning and teaching tools for many years. In the itslearning platform, faculty members learn all digital materials such as written material, visual material, video, audio file, etc. and can use the 360-degree measurement tools that evaluate each student and give individual feedback and communicate with the student.” (Timeturk, 6 April 2020, p. 1).

In addition, Prof. Dr. Şirin Karadeniz, Rector of BAU has said, “our teachers open their content and all course resources to our students through the learning management system. Our students and academicians are experienced in this regard, since the distance education lessons that are conducted synchronously and asynchronously are also available in our programs.” (Timeturk, 18 Mar 2020, p. 1).

Bahçeşehir University selected itslearning in 2013 and was the first university in Turkey to integrate digital content into a learning platform for courses with over 1,000 students.

About Bahçeşehir University

BAU is a leading educational institution in Turkey. With more than 45,000 teachers, students, and staff, it is considered one of the most prestigious private universities in Turkey, and one of the top 20 in the country.

About itslearning

itslearning provides a cloud-based learning platform designed for teachers and how they want to teach. Since 1999, we’ve been creating technology that elevates teaching and helps students realize their potential. Based in Bergen, Norway and Boston, MA, we serve millions of people around the world.


itslearning AS – Bergen, Norway


Online education for 16 thousand students per day (2020, April 6th), Timeturk, p. 1. Retrieved from:

Bahçeşehir University starts online classes, (2020, March 18th), Timeturk, p. 1. Retrieved from:

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