After good sparring dialogues and viewing itslearning LMS (because he was familiar with SkoleIntra), Mads Unger and Esrum Kost- og Friskole chose both digital systems. Because as he says "They talk to each other and come from the same place, one is admin. and the other is didactic - so it's a no brainer".
Now the deal is done - what next?
Then we were off and running, all the relevant and formal paperwork was signed - we were off and running. As the seller of the solution, I'm always excited to see how a digital product is received. Through many years of working with digital learning materials, I've encountered everything from smoke coming out of my ears for "why should we use it" to joy and excitement about the many functions and tools tech can contribute in a learning context. That's why I'm still always excited about what you face when you stand there in front of your audience. Which mask to put on.
Lotta, my Swedish colleague and I set off on a warm early summer day towards Esrum for our first implementation walk at the school. The road up there was so beautiful, what a beautiful scenery. We turned into the driveway of Esrum Kost- og Friskoles and our eyes met the most beautiful white idyllic property. Roses stood out beautifully against the brickwork and above the heavy old wooden door hangs one of the largest antlers I had ever seen. Lotta and I opened the door to the school, which has a certain weight to it. We are warmly welcomed by the school secretary and politely shown into the classroom where the workshop will take place.
We settle in and suddenly we hear laughter, which to us signals an informal, comfortable atmosphere. "YES! This is going to be good". Sure enough, six happy trainers step over the high wooden doorstep and say "Hi, is that you from itslearning?" and we could only say yes. Immediately we were up and running, chatting, sharing anecdotes, and here we were faced with an engaged and very positive and enthusiastic team of teachers.
While Lotta is doing the workshop, Mads, the school principal, shows me around the school. And here I just have to say - wow. The school has such beautiful premises, beautiful natural surroundings and it's all run by teachers and a Headmaster who really wants the very best for the school's students. It shines out of Mads when he talks about life at the school and the way they want to welcome their students and the offers that can be given to them. He himself rides his racing bike about 50 km every day - and the physical activity also rubs off on the sporting activities the school offers.

The workshop that generated ideas and gave time for reflection
Back in the classroom sits a trainer. She is so curious to see what itslearning can do, that before we started the first workshop, she had completed the next few lessons on her own. Another trainer was a bit skeptical about how much transparency there is in itslearning. That is, whether the information/data you can see inside itslearning 360' gives rise to a control overview from a management perspective. A third teacher came up with an idea to add an element to "plans" so that teachers can make a note of what is planned, even if a substitute teacher takes over the teaching.
All the inputs were absolutely brilliant, and it all gave rise to constructive sparring and demystification of what an LMS should be able to help a teacher and manager with. Not to mention the value to the students. In addition, we customized their itslearning to fit into their real-world practice. So, even if we 'just' come and implement 'our' product at the school, we want to open up for dialog, co-reflection and exchange of ideas.
This is actually also what we value for our partners. To create a space for reflection in and with digital in any learning context. Both before the contract is signed and when we are out on the floor using it.
We look forward to the future collaboration with the entire teaching team and management at Esrum Kost- og Friskole. Thank you for wanting to work with us. We are very proud and happy about that.