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Our roadmap is an open statement of direction; a guide to where we are prioritising our efforts. Our focus is to ensure the enhancements are what our customers need and that they are rolled out in the best way possible. However, we may change our plans as better ways to meet customer expectations arise.
  1. Front page

In development

  • Migrate old tests to new test tool
    Reuse old tests in the new tool to benefit from modern features. We plan to migrate old tests to new tests on demand.
  • Accessibility and technical framework
    Ongoing releases through 2024 to improve overall accessibility and improve the navigation and flow. New GAP analysis to gauge status, keeping in line with regulations. 
  • Light Rest API
    Read-only, easy to use integration API for populating 3rd party portals/apps with key data such as user tasks.
  • Set Rules for Progressing Between Plans
    Teachers can set rules for progressing between plans and within plans. This will give teachers a powerful way to organise their lessons and even create self-paced courses
  • Test: Override Score    
    Teachers can override the calculated score of a question for individual students.
  • Accessible message panel
    Accessible slide in panel for showing messages. More options for deleting and managing messages. 
  • Remove iframes for admin pages
    Remove iframes to allow for better deep linking into itslearning. More accessible user experience. Better navigation and more consistent use of back button. 
  • Course Search
    Providing a search option allows users to quickly and easily find their relevant content without having to navigate through lots of plans/topics. They can find the right content at the right time. 
  • Student Centred Learning Objectives Report
    Provide a CSV or Excel export of learning objectives with linked assessments for a selected student. 
  • Planner: Differentiated Planning
    Assigning a plan to specific users or groups.
  • New Main Menu and course menu
    Refresh the main menu and course menu to improve accessibility, usability and better support iframeless pages. 
  • Colour Palette Changes
    Simplified and more accessible colour palette.
  • 2-factor authentication for all users
    Administrators can increase security by enabling 2FA either as mandatory or optional, using a site profile or policy setting for all users. This may be a costed option.
  • New itslearning App
    Refactored main app, built from the ground up with modern UX, streamlined app workflow, better off-line support, meets international WCAG mobile accessibility standards.
  • Planner: Date picker
    Allow teachers to create events from date picker in planner, to give improved workflow for teachers and so that students can see their plans in the calendar.
  • AI – Next Phase
    Research needs and possibilities and extend time-saving features like automatic content generation.
  • Better Plan Images
    Teachers will have more options to add and find relevant plan images.

In active research

  • Teaching & Learning Workflow
  • User Experience
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Improve the Teaching and Learning Workflow

The current course structure in the LMS can be limiting for teachers in a changing variety of contexts. The current ways of organising courses are designed from a “one-size-fits-all” mentality that prioritises the teacher’s perspective regardless of the educational segment (K12, HE, vocational etc.), cultural differences, or legislative requirements. Based on our customers in bids and tenders, there is a need for more flexibility in customising a course in itslearning from a teacher’s perspective. To meet current and future demands of our LMS, it is necessary to revise our course concept in such a way that it accommodates flexibility across different segments, contexts, and cultures, while simultaneously supporting teachers and students in their day-to-day work processes. We are undertaking a major research programme with our customers and users to look at how to improve the experience.

Refresh the itslearning user experience

We have a long-term goal to make itslearning easier and more pleasant to use. We will modernise and simplify our user interface, information architecture and navigation. We will better support the daily workflows of teachers/students and save teachers/students time while helping them maximise the impact of their digital activities. This is in research, but we are considering the following:

  • We want to give customers more control over what content / tools appears in a course with the aim to simplify our offering. E.g. removing resources so students focus on planner.
  • Give customers (some) choice of colours/branding.
  • Look at how we differentiate our offering, such as flexible changes to menu layout and labels so we can better change terminology for different market segments.
  • Build on the accessibility work so that we simplify the overall user experience.

Use of AI in itslearning

We are actively looking at use of generative AI in our LMS, initially focused only to help teachers create content and speed up tasks. A specific example of this is creating questions in surveys based on a short suggestion (prompt) by the teacher. Even if we use generative AI we want teachers to always be the final ‘editor’ and ‘authoriser’ of any generated content before it reaches students. On our development sites we have been testing AI, including Chat GPT to this end. However, until we are completely certain about the use of teacher/student data by the AI providers, their adherence to principles of GDPR and support for data privacy we will not be releasing these to customers.

In research for future consideration

  • AI in Plan Images
    Possible use of AI for automatically search for and even creating plan images.
  • New SCORM player with xAPI
    Possible update of the existing SCORM player new engine that supports all versions of SCORM as well as xAPI. Possibly as a paid for option. 
  • One Roster
    More in-depth support 1EdTech OneRoster standard for user provisioning and improved grade pass back.
  • Magister Phase 5
    High value updates to better support the Magister.Learn experience.
  • Digital Badges (Certification)
    Integrate with (inter)national initiatives around 1EdTech Open Badges.
  • Communication Tool Updates: Instant Messages
    Give teachers and admins more control over instant messages. Deleting course conversations. Seen-indicator in one-to-one conversations
  • Communication Tool Updates: Forwarding Messages to External Emails
    Forward the content from a message or course announcements to an external email.
  • Continuous Student Intake to Courses
    Good processes in place so students can join and complete courses at their own pace, on arbitrary dates
  • Better test results page
    Modernising one of the older parts of test tool, solving several recurring issues like lack of good filters
  • Data integrity: Improvements to data lifecycle management
    System administrators can set rules for automatic permanent deletion of users from the site recycle bin. On manually managed sites, administrators can export user data to use it as a base file to update users in bulk.
  • Communication Tool Updates: Course Announcements
    Post announcements to specific groups. Add subject line/heading to announcements

Feedback on our Roadmap?

All comments will be considered. Please write in English.