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itslearning Jul 3, 2024< 1 min read

itslearning-2024.1.3 released product updates

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When you create a new link, the new page header with a clear edit-button for the title is used.

Filtering plans by topics

When opening table view, we will by default show all plans. To get a better overview and allow users to focus on a smaller group of plans, teachers and students can now filter their plans by topics. If there are no topics in a course, we will not display any filter. 



Released fixes in itslearning-2024.1.3

Our referenceSummary

Fixed an issue where resources in a plan where made inactive after copying to another course, if the setting "Make connected elements visible when the plan is made visible" was not enabled.


Fixed and issue where when copying a plan within a topic, a setting that determines the sorting order of the plan was carried over, when it shouldn't be.

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itslearningJul 3, 20242 min read

itslearning-2024.1.2 released product updates

Updated look and feel when using or applying course templatesFollowing the new 'Add course' page, we have updated the look and ...
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itslearningJul 3, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.2.1 released product updates

See number of participants on Participants pageWe now always show the pagination control on the new Participants page. This ...
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itslearningJul 3, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.4.2 released product updates

Small improvement to play plan for studentLearning path completion will automatically be reflected in play plan's side panel ...
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