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itslearning Nov 8, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.11.2 released product updates

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Gooru discontinued

We are discontinuing Gooru. In some markets Gooru was an OER partner, via whom the library was populated with resources. The partnership with Gooru has ended some time ago and many of their resources pointed to no longer working content.

We will hide Gooru resources in the Library. If any of these resources were added to a course, they will be converted to a regular link.

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.11.2

Our referenceSummary

Fixed an issue where the resource bar was popping up on the left side of the screen when opening a learning path from a folder in a plan.


Fixed an issue where students were missing a task connected to a resource in a course, if the resource was given group access rights before the students were added to the course. This also resulted in teachers missing the follow-up task for the same students.


Fixed an issue that could cause a learning objective to not be added to a plan. This could occur when adding a second learning objective, if that learning objective shared a group with a previously added learning objective.


When restoring a user from the trash-can, there was a bug where the user’s “last updated” timestamp may not have been correctly updated.


When making a request through the Organization API to retrieve information about a course, “Course friendly name” was missing in the response.

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itslearningJul 3, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.4.1 released product updates

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itslearningJul 3, 20242 min read

itslearning-2024.1.2 released product updates

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itslearningJul 3, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.6.2 released product updates

Accessibility fix: Alt text for profile pictures in announcementsProfile pictures (or default avatars in the case where the ...
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