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itslearning Aug 19, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.8.4 released product updates

Translation generated by an AI translation service

Design update: Updates page

After implementing new, white, menus and updating the design of the course cards page, we are now refreshing the updates page to match.


Discontinuation: Immersive reader in Edge

We have piloted support for Immersive reader in Edge for some time, but have now decided to end this pilot and remove the feature. Note: The integration of Immersive reader in Planner, Assignment, Note and Announcements is not affected by this.

Email notification of changes to two-factor authentication

Email confirmation is now sent to the user when:

  • They have successfully completed setting up two-factor authentication.
  • Authentication app is disconnected, either by the user themselves or by itslearning administrator.

Import/export plans

Teachers can import and export their plans to other itslearning sites. This feature is mainly used when teachers are changing jobs and they want to reuse their plans in the itslearning site of their new school. We are reusing functionality from the old planner.

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.8.4

Our reference Summary

New customers were not able to share an AICC resource with another site, due to a missing profile.


It was possible to exceed the limit on amount of users that can register for a course, when using setting that allows users to register themselves.


Made a change to prevent that a teacher’s role in a course gets downgraded after IMS or hierarchy synchronization, if they are also a member of another group with lesser access rights.


Fixed an issue where teachers were not able to use the “temporary access” column to re-enable access to courses for dropped students. Previously this was controlled by a setting related to synchronized courses (even if the course was manually created).


Made an improvement to Gradebook letters (assessment record).

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itslearning-2024.6.3 released product updates

New simplified profile cardOur old profile card is not accessible and we will replace it with a new page showing relevant ...
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itslearningJul 3, 20242 min read

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itslearningJul 10, 20243 min read

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