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itslearning Mar 4, 2024< 1 min read

Survey tool

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Survey tool

Free webinar for teachers, ICT educators and school leaders.

See the recorded version of the "Torsdagskvarten" webinar about the itslearning survey tool.  We will pick out the most important, show how and what the tool can be used for and give you an opportunity to get inspiration for how you can use surveys in your teaching and business. Simply, best practices. 


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itslearningMar 4, 20241 min read

Calendar tool

CalendarFree webinar for teachers, ICT educators and school leaders.See the recorded version of the "Torsdagskvarten" webinar ...
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itslearningFeb 15, 20241 min read


AssignmentFree webinar for teachers, ICT educators and school leaders.See the recorded version of the "Torsdagskvarten" ...
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itslearningJun 2, 2022< 1 min read

Speedway to work

Speedway to Work study path in vocational education webinar recordingIn this webinar:
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