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Mauricio Romero, itslearning Nov 8, 2023< 1 min read

Webinar: How has VIA University College inspired their teachers to adopt a new LMS?

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Did you know:

  • A Learning platform (or LMS) is a business-critical system for universities to improve student outcomes.
  • According to VIA University College’s experience, 80% of teachers like to use technology in their teaching, especially in their own professional field.
  • By lowering the threshold and setting clear expectations to teachers, universities can achieve a rapid and efficient implementation of a new LMS for their entire organisation. This in consequence can save organisations big time and money.

Mads Villesen
, Pedagogical IT Consultant at VIA University College shares his experience as one of the key responsibles for the successful implementation of the itslearning LMS in VIA UC. Learn more about the key drivers to motivate and inspire the teachers at VIA University College.


In this session, you will learn:

  • The key takeaways from the implementation project of a business-critical system such as itslearning LMS in a large educational institution.
  • How to establish a set of principles to drive teacher motivation and increase student engagement.
  • How to utilise core tools in itslearning such as the Planner to structure the course, make it easy to reuse, to keep students in the centre, and to support learning outcomes.
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