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itslearning Nov 27, 2024< 1 min read

Webinar | Data Security and Privacy 101 in Norwegian

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Would your school survive the next audit?

Watch this insightful webinar hosted by our Security Officer, Daniel Manne. This webinar provides an overview of the requirements for data security and GDPR in schools, focusing on the importance of compliance.  

  • How to ensure data protection and privacy 
  • Measures to meet legal obligations 
  • How your suppliers can help you in the process
  • What laws and regulations does my school need to follow, and why do they exist? 
  • How do I ensure compliance and remove the risk of fines? 

Daniel Manne

Daniel Manne

Daniel Manne in the Security Officer at itslearning.​ Daniel has worked in the industry with  IT Operations and Compliance for over 30 years and has a very practical approach to the subject​.​ Daniel is responsible for itslearning’s ISO27001 certification and GDPR compliance.

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