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itslearning May 28, 20213 min read

Schleswig-Holstein extends contract with itslearning for further three years

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The extension of the contract ensures the further development of a more flexible teaching and learning environment across the state.

Bergen, May 28, 2021 – The Nordic learning platform provider itslearning has won a three-year contract to deliver the learning management system for schools in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. itslearning will be available for 400,000 students and teachers with a wide range of educational tools and remote learning solutions.

The itslearning LMS has been used in schools in Schleswig-Holstein since June 2020, after winning a short-term direct award. The extension of the contract ensures the further development of a more flexible teaching and learning environment. itslearning was awarded the extension because the platform was found to have best fulfilled the performance criteria for a learning management system.

We are very pleased to extend the itslearning contract. It is good news for everyone at school that a system that has been in use in our schools since last summer, and has been highly praised by users, has been awarded the contract.'
Karin Prien, Minister of Education, Science and Culture in Schleswig-Holstein

'Over the last few years, we have been able to continue the digitization of our schools and create additional opportunities for school-led learning at home. We are confident that through this partnership with itslearning, we will succeed in doing so in the coming years as well.'

Purpose-built learning platform for teachers and students

itslearning offers a wide range of features to support students in their learning in a meaningful and efficient way. The learning management system can be customized to suit pedagogical processes and is easily integrated into everyday school life. Education materials can be pre-structured via learning paths built according to individual student needs. Learning can take place on the desktop or on the mobile app, giving students and teachers flexibility and mobility.

'The renewed trust of Schleswig-Holstein fills us with pride and confidence. What we are creating here is a digital education environment that students and the state can benefit from for a long time.

'In recent years, itslearning has been adopted by many other German states and cities including Bremen, Berlin, Baden Württemberg, Munich and Düsseldorf. This growth did not happen by mere chance but is rather the recognition of itslearning as a dedicated education partner that is committed to serving German teachers and students. We are really looking forward to the challenging but also rewarding path that lies ahead,' says Steve Tucker, CEO of itslearning.

itslearning guarantees data protection and scalability

Being based in Europe, with a strong focus on data security, GDPR, and scalability – itslearning is the preferred paid European LMS.

The Norwegian company was one of the first LMS providers to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation and has taken this data protection one step further by ensuring that all European customer data is only processed within the EU/EEA.

itslearning is also ISO 27001 certified with a comprehensive security compliance infrastructure. The certification is a promise from the LMS provider for continuous risk assessment and upgrades to enhance information security.

Next steps following the extension agreement

The itslearning LMS has currently been made available for up to 400 schools with 180,000 users in Schleswig-Holstein. The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture’s goal is to use itslearning as the digital learning environment in all state schools by Spring 2022. This three-year continuation contract also includes the option of a further extension.

'The learning management system opens up many great opportunities for our schools to expand the teaching and learning process. At the same time, students are introduced to digitalization from an early age,' adds State Minister Prien.

'The State Institute for Quality Development of Schools (IQSH) has noticed a great willingness on the part of teachers to engage with the new learning management system in further training courses. We are giving the schools an instrument to ensure optimal teaching, not just in the event of further distance learning due to the ongoing pandemic.'

Press contact:
Johnny Anderson
Head of Marketing and Communications

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