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itslearning Oct 14, 2024< 1 min read

itslearning-2024.10.3 released product updates

Translation generated by an AI translation service

MS Teams Integration

We have improved how the new top menu appears in MS Teams Integration.

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.10.3

Our referenceSummary

Fixed an issue with missing page styling when self-registering for attendance, and when printing ILP.


In the case of a file or piece of content not being copied correctly, there should be a warning error shown when trying to access the file on the new location. Sometimes this warning would not appear, and instead the user got a grey screen. This has been fixed.

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itslearningJul 3, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.2.1 released product updates

See number of participants on Participants pageWe now always show the pagination control on the new Participants page. This ...
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itslearningDec 17, 20242 min read

itslearning-2024.12.3 product updates

Test Tool: Updated version of Test Mode Browser We have updated the Test Mode Browser (TMB) used in Windows and Mac. This is a ...
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itslearningAug 12, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.8.3 released product updates

Accessibility fix: Title labelsTo help screen reader users understand pages with the editor, the editor needs an ...
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