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itslearning Oct 18, 2024< 1 min read

itslearning-2024.10.4 released product updates

Translation generated by an AI translation service

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.10.4

Our referenceSummary

When changing a user’s profile type in user and access rights, the user was not fully updated with the new profile in the database. This could lead to an issue when using a feature that checks the user’s profile type.


The setting “enable AI service to create content”, was shown in the wrong section on the features and security settings page.


Fixed an issue where a teacher may not have been able to add a user from a different hierarchy to a course, even though the setting “search for members in own courses and projects” was activated.

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itslearning-2024.2.1 released product updates

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Accessibility fix: Alt text for profile pictures in announcementsProfile pictures (or default avatars in the case where the ...
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