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itslearning Jul 3, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.4.1 released product updates

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Released fixes in itslearning-2024.4.1

Our referenceSummary

Fixed an issue where moving a link from one category to another caused itslearning to become unresponsive.


Fixed an error that caused an issue when adding a new WebDAV account.


Fixed an error that could occur when removing sub-hierarchies on a user profile.


Fixed an issue that could cause a user to see a license error, when trying to open an LTI 1.3 link from a course.


Improved the system that detects activity (to delay automatic logout when there is activity).


In cases where a course participant has more than one group membership in a course.
Changing the users access rights role through the user and access rights module, may not have correctly updated the users role in the course. This has now been fixed.


Fixed an issue where it didn't work to use the pencil icon to edit a SCORM element from the resource view.


Accessibility fix: When managing the learning objective repository for an organisation, labels were missing for some elements (forms, buttons), and poor colour contrast a few places. This has now been fixed.

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itslearningJul 3, 20241 min read

itslearning-2024.2.1 released product updates

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Gooru discontinuedWe are discontinuing Gooru. In some markets Gooru was an OER partner, via whom the library was populated ...
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