Restricted permissions scope for Google Drive picker
Google has introduced a new permission scope for Google Drive they strongly recommend partners like us to use. The old scope gave us access to all files on the user’s Drive. The new scope restricts our permissions to the files the user selects in the Google Drive picker. You will see the new permission scope when you give consent while connecting your Google account to your itslearning account. The changed scope does not affect any files that have already been added to itslearning.
Functionality wise the only difference can be seen where you can pick a “Recent “ Google Drive file, which can for example be done in the planner. This used to include all files that were recently added or changed on user’s Google Drive, but now is limited to the files that have been added to itslearning before. Given the low use of this Recent functionality and its downgraded usefulness, we will remove it in an upcoming release.
Note that the reduced permission scope will only affect users that haven’t given consent yet, or that want to disconnect and reconnect their Google account.
Better feedback when IM is disabled for users
It is possible to disable messages for single users. As part of this user story, we have improved the feedback that teachers are receiving if they try to send a message to a user that cannot access messages. The feedback is improved for 1:1 messages, group conversations and course conversations.
Admins: Simplifying “View as student” in Courses
For admininstrators only - in a previous relase we simplified the “view as student” option in courses so the course owner (e.g. the course teacher) can only view the course as a student, and not as any other profile. As such we have removed the “View as other profile” from the profiles page. There is no action for administrators.